Tag Archives: P Terrys

Austin Full

This last weekend, Nick and I made a trek to see friends and fill our bellies.

Friday after work, we started our drive to Austin through pouring rain, but the Kia survived. We listened to the audio of Brad Neely’s Wizard People, Dear Readers the ride down and it lasted us the whole way…almost.

The moment after we checked into our hotel, we grabbed sandwiches and the famous Kerby Queso from Kerby Lane. All I can say is om nom nom.

After our food coma, which lasted until Saturday morning, we ventured out to Zilker Park. It was a little rainy so not too many people were out. We visited the little bench Nick proposed at and then climbed the hill and practiced some Frisbee throwing. I’m getting better at throwing it in Nick’s general direction, so I’ll take that as a win.

Lunchtime found us and some friends at P Terry’s. I devoured my veggie burger and honestly want to cry because I know I will never find another burger so delicious anywhere else.

source: kerbeylanecafe.com

It is like an addiction so amazingly severe that I don’t know what I’ll do with myself. How can veggies taste so great together? Ahhhh…

Anyways, since the rain decided to stay, we met up with a ton of awesome people and hung out in a blanket fort. It was epic. I will be honest, I did a terrible job of taking pictures this weekend. In fact, I just didn’t take pictures. But Saturday did include some visiting animals and creatures in a Petsmart, lots of snacking, tons of N64 gaming, pizza, and awesome people. Just use your imagination for the pictures I guess.

Sunday we found a great place and devoured breakfast tacos but I have no idea what it was called. We also visited a few shops. I’m doing so well with specifics.

All in all it was a great weekend. I am ashamed that I didn’t stick to eating healthy the whole time, but I didn’t fall too far off the wagon. We even ran when we got in last night and didn’t do too badly. I did a ton of thinking about what I want to do with my life. The shortest summary is I want to be more productive. This, on top of eating healthy again and running regularly makes me super happy and ready for the week.

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