Monthly Archives: January 2013

Spring in Jan

Apparently we are done with winter in Texas. This last weekend was amazing. The weather was beautiful, bright, warm, and breezy. How better to celebrate than try out some water. What? Water…

Yup, lemon/cucumber/mint water. It’s amazing. I found the recipe on this website! and tried it out.

I’ve been working hard on my second round of p90x and drink a ton of water. It does get a little boring and I crazy juice, chocolate milk, anything really. So, make water fun. Problem solved. This mixture also promises to promote healthy benefits, which are a huge plus. Also, you can just keep refilling and use the same fruit over and over until, you know, you replace.

Lemon Water

Lemon Water Startin!

I’ve tried this kind of water once before at a dinner with friends. I’m sad it took me this long to get on the bandwagon myself.

With this batch of water, the cucumber is a bit strong for my taste, but only just. If i dilute it a bit, it’s perfect. I might just still be a little burned out on cucumber since we had our mini garden last spring/summer.

Time To Soak

Time To Soak

Speaking of gardening, I’m sad to say I might have to take a haitus this summer. I have been excited to try my hand a second year since I feel that I learned so much last year. Sadly, we aren’t sure of our living arrangements and if we end up moving, it would be easiest without plants to relocate. We shall see.

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Short Stories

Freezing and De-thawing Chickens

Christmas brought snow, family, and a new problem with our rental house. Our little backyard chickens have a heater that keeps them from freezing when the weather is super cold. Sadly, when they needed it most, all of our outdoor outlets stopped working, so their heater was plugged in, but had no power. The day after Christmas, the ground was frozen, and their heater was not working. The chickens were shivering. So we did what any owner of spoiled chickens would do, we brought them inside to thaw out. They were shocked at first, and very quiet. After a few hours, they were back outside, with the heater working once again, and I was disinfecting and cleaning their temporary quarters like nobody’s business.

Thawing Chicke ns

Thawing Chickens

Plotting Pets

Sometimes I joke about how I think my pets are “plotting” against me. But they give me legit reasons sometimes. The creepy looks, appearing out of nowhere, and of course, sitting on things that are important. Maybe they have me trained really well. I know exactly when it is time to feed the cat. And whatever he is sitting on is usually what I’m looking for. So, I guess he is just reminding me about my chores. The chickens, however, really just enjoy messing with me. Which is fair. I do eat their eggs. So it is a give and take relationship.

Blue Russian Cat

Blue Russian Cat

The Elusive Boots

I’ve been on the search for a great pair of combat style boots on and off for a while now with no luck. Until finally, there they were. And now they are mine. Now I can be prepared for anything. From trying out some myths on Mythbusters to surviving the day Skynet become self aware, and in style!

Combat Boots

Combat Boots

Animal Expectations

We have been kitty sitting for my parents this week. Their kitty latched onto Nick. It’s a good thing, cause he really does not like me. So, he helps Nick out with his P90x routine. My kitty likes to mess with me during my routine as well. It’s a good thing.

Workout kitty

Workout kitty

The chickens are getting more spoiled by the day. We got them some chicken treats and they go literally bananas for them. They will peck it right out of the container.

Chicken Treats

Chicken Treats

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