Tag Archives: drawing

Big Reveal!

Remember when I showed you guys a sneak peak of something to come?

Well, it’s here!

My husband is in this band called Lindby, and this is the poster I have designed for their upcoming show in April!

I’m super happy with how it’s turned out!

And now I’m working on an album cover and another set of posters. So busy!

Also, you guys should check out my personal website: katiegoodrich.com

I’m brainstorming my next blog post for my website, so we’ll see what I come up with, and hopefully soon.

Also, soon, if my green thumb actually works, I’ll be posting some info about my epic-ly productive weekend, so stay in touch.

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Sneak Peak

I have been working on a poster for my husband’s band Lindby. Here are a few sneak peak images before the final is ready for it’s debut!

Enjoying the free line working.

Oh, hello…

And you can’t leave out a fine, fancy texture.

I hope you are looking forward to a reveal super soon! Woot!

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Pumpkin Seeds

The weekend weather was amazing, but confusing for January. The husband tried to teach me how to throw a Frisbee. I can now aim, most of the time. We had to work up our appetite for food, which for the night was sushi, but it was disappointing, so no more talk on it.

Nick and I, like many others, got a pumpkin before Halloween. We never carved it, ran out of time, so it has been sitting nicely on our front porch. It never got icky or mushy, so over the weekend, we opened it up and cooked the seeds.

As in our fashion, we devoured them, they didn’t last the night.

The toasted seeds did help me get over my depression at having finished season 2 of Sherlock. It was amazing and now to wait until season 3. Sigh.

Did do a fun drawing just for kicks.

It is zombie Sherlock experimenting with eating Watson’s brains.

Cause … I think it is funny.They are bff’s, so it’s all cool.

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