Tag Archives: bugs in garden

Fruits and Veggies of our Labor

The garden is fighting through the three digit weather we are having. Nick and I have been watering it as often as we can. The newest hurdle we are learning to overcome are ants and aphids. Our plants are getting eaten by hundreds of little devils and I had no idea it was even happening. Nick researched what we can do and we are taking environmentally friendly steps to take back control our garden!

Happily the plants seem as stubborn as we are. They are still providing us with surprisingly tasty food.


I accidentally picked the green one before it could start to blush, but I’m glad I did. It was super juicy and tasty. The two red ones on the right are our first ripe tomatoes and they were amazing. We ate them both last night with just a tiny bit of sea salt on top.

These are our first three jalapenos. The plants are going insane! We have so many more coming in. Also, they smell great and spicy. The taste is amazing, but when the heat kicks in…my eyelids even started sweating.

Nick took a bite out of this one. Then went straight for some milk.

Cooking with them has been great so far. Brings down the heat just enough so you can enjoy the taste.

Our next goal…making our own pickles!

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