Tag Archives: Cat

Camera Testing

Been exploring more photography and trying not to forget what I’ve learned so far. Easter Sunday, with it’s beautiful weather and a few hours to kill after church, was a great day to play around at a cute little park in Frisco.

Frisco Park 1

Frisco Park 4

Frisco Park 3

Frisco Park 2


I also took some photos of a cute project I did to decorate for Easter. The eggs were super easy and quick to make.

Easter Egg Yarn Decor 1 Easter Egg Yarn Decor 2


While waiting for the food I cooked to finish, I went in the backyard and took a few more photos of our pets.

Blue Russain Kitty Backyard Hens


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Short Stories

Freezing and De-thawing Chickens

Christmas brought snow, family, and a new problem with our rental house. Our little backyard chickens have a heater that keeps them from freezing when the weather is super cold. Sadly, when they needed it most, all of our outdoor outlets stopped working, so their heater was plugged in, but had no power. The day after Christmas, the ground was frozen, and their heater was not working. The chickens were shivering. So we did what any owner of spoiled chickens would do, we brought them inside to thaw out. They were shocked at first, and very quiet. After a few hours, they were back outside, with the heater working once again, and I was disinfecting and cleaning their temporary quarters like nobody’s business.

Thawing Chicke ns

Thawing Chickens

Plotting Pets

Sometimes I joke about how I think my pets are “plotting” against me. But they give me legit reasons sometimes. The creepy looks, appearing out of nowhere, and of course, sitting on things that are important. Maybe they have me trained really well. I know exactly when it is time to feed the cat. And whatever he is sitting on is usually what I’m looking for. So, I guess he is just reminding me about my chores. The chickens, however, really just enjoy messing with me. Which is fair. I do eat their eggs. So it is a give and take relationship.

Blue Russian Cat

Blue Russian Cat

The Elusive Boots

I’ve been on the search for a great pair of combat style boots on and off for a while now with no luck. Until finally, there they were. And now they are mine. Now I can be prepared for anything. From trying out some myths on Mythbusters to surviving the day Skynet become self aware, and in style!

Combat Boots

Combat Boots

Animal Expectations

We have been kitty sitting for my parents this week. Their kitty latched onto Nick. It’s a good thing, cause he really does not like me. So, he helps Nick out with his P90x routine. My kitty likes to mess with me during my routine as well. It’s a good thing.

Workout kitty

Workout kitty

The chickens are getting more spoiled by the day. We got them some chicken treats and they go literally bananas for them. They will peck it right out of the container.

Chicken Treats

Chicken Treats

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I have a lot of stuff going on recently. A lot of projects in the works, finishing up, or marinating in my mind space. Until the things on my “to do” list switch to my “to done list” and I can tell you about them, enjoy these recent photos of life.

Spoiled Ladies

The girls are handling the random changing of weather like pros, even if they are spoiled rotten with their heat lamp for the cold nights and fan for the hot days. They follow me when I go to the backyard to check on them, and sometimes it is a bit unsettling. I feel like they are plotting things against me, so I make sure to keep their food and water well stocked. That way I’m more of a necessity to their lives, and I can continue to steal their eggs.

Judging you

Jaydee is getting super cuddly as the weather gets cooler. He also let’s me know how important he is, when he needs to be fed, and how displeased he is when I give attention to other animals.

Fall colors have been exploding around here. I don’t remember the trees showing so many great colors for any amount of time in previous years before going bald for winter. Maybe I wasn’t paying attention in years past. Whatever it is, it’s pleasant and makes me hopeful for a good winter.

Possibly the best update is that Christmas decorations are going up. Nick and I are slowly growing our holiday collections of decorations, and this year it’s looking good. I’m trying to keep from stocking up on more lights and things, but it might be a losing battle.

I hope everyone has been having a great week so far and had an excellent start to the holidays during Thanksgiving.

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So this might be a slightly sappy post, so get over it.

Last night, Nick and I ran. That is saying something because we usually slack off from Friday to Sunday and pig out on the weekends. I didn’t run my best, but we did run. Thursday I even did some sprints after a 2.5 mile run (with only a few breaks). We didn’t even pig out Friday night. No pizza. No queso. Nope.

We had crab meat mixed with a tiny bit of low fat mayo on top of cucumber slices.

And mini crescent rolls filled with spinach mixed with a tiny bit of weight watchers cream cheese.

I’ve realized recently that my life has had a huge shift. Besides the whole getting married and being out on my own in life, my health habits have taken a huge shift. I use to eat fast food half of the time and my veggie intake and fruit eating was…meh. I was never one to be seen as a health nut, or a healthy eater. I wanted to be that kind of person, but didn’t have the drive.

My 3rd year in college I moved into an apartment with my friend Whitney and realized what a healthy person eats. She really inspired me to choose better foods, but not while I was living with her. It took a while to sink in. She also has super amazing ideas with crafts and design. I admit, she had a huge impact on my graphic design career and eating habits. (I never told her this, but now she knows!).

Since Nick proposed in Sept 2010, I’ve done a 180 with my food intake and exercise. It is now a huge aspect of my life. My perspective on both is so different from what it use to be.

My huge realization happened at work a few weeks ago. A coworker showed me a recipe for a delicious sounding soup and said “this sounds too healthy for me, but seems like something you would love.” I then realized that I have become a healthy person. I love it, but it is a battle everyday.

Kitty is, as always, impressed with my decisions.

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Food, Kitty, and Poems

So the food highlight of the week was salmon!!!

So ya, potato rolls, baked tomato slices with parmessan on top, brown rice with soy sauce, and salmon baked with freshly squeazed lemon juice on top. I felt very accomplished that none of it burned or was undercooked.

Non edible news, kitty has been creeping and loving. He curled up and had some male bonding time with Nick before the super bowl.

Then, he somehow got on top of the medicine cabinet to be creepy and unsettling in general to who ever wandered into the bathroom.

So that was fun.

On a side note, I really love creative people who love the same shows I do. I have been collecting fan art and the like that are for valentine’s day. I have valentine designs saved about Lord of the Rings, DC Superheroes, and Sherlock. Here are some poems for your entertainment about … Sherlock (that I found online on Tumblr and did not write at all! Let me know if you know who wrote these).

“Deduction is great, it requires precision. Forget John and Sherlock, you’re my division.”

“Roses are red. Performance is art. Please love me back, or I’ll burn out your heart.”

“Roses are red, my scarf is so blue, I don’t have friends, I only have you.”

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Enchiladas nom

This weekend was one filled with tummies of chicken.

Found a recipe on none other than Pinterest for skinnier enchiladas. How could I resist? I didn’t.

Low carb tortillas, chicken, Greek yogurt to take the place of sour cream, cheese, and salsa. So simple and quick.

Recipe is here: http://she-fit.com/healthy-chicken-enchiladas-recipe

I love replacing sour cream with Greek yogurt. So surprisingly tasty and so few calories. That and yogurt is just plain good for you. Been watching some “Burn Notice” on and off while working on stuff around the house and those spies LOVE their yogurt. Started getting ingrained in my mind.

Oh, and Jaydee was super jealous of all the chicken he wasn’t getting to eat. He might have gotten a tiny bite…

creepy cat

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